VOLUME LXIV, NO. 3 (March 1975)

Reflections on Kwame Nkrumah Theodore H. Von Laue 321
The Mistake of Aeneas George E, Dimock, Jr. 334
An Ecologist’s View of History Paul Colinvaux 357
Shakespeare’s King and Beggar Stephen J. Brown 370
The Acceleration of Prehistory in East Africa Sydney L. W. Mellen 396
Brazil: Highways and Rainforests Henry S. Kernan 408
The Fly. Verse Brian Swann 413
New Books in Review:
Two Russian Leaders Michael Mandelbaum 414
The Morality of Style Geoffrey Hartman 418
Recent Poetry: Inventions and Obsessions J. D. McClatchy 422
Our Sacred Texts, and Why Alvin B. Kernan 432
Mill’s Liberty J. E. Seigel 437
The President’s Mind Arthur Walworth 443
Formlessness Alexander Welsh 450
Agrarianism: “A Very Great Success” Cleanth Brooks 455
A Critical American Stephen J. Whitfield 459
New Records in Review B. H. Haggin 463
Letters and Comment:
Faulkner and the Horses Guido Lopez 468
On “The National Institute of Education” Chester E. Finn, Jr. 477
Reader’s Guide vi-xv
Contributors xv