VOLUME LXXI, NO. 4 (July 1982)

Leo Brandy Popular Culture and Personal Time 481
Sidney W. Mintz Culture: An Anthropological View 499
Howard S. Becker Culture: A Sociological View 513
Robert Fitzgerald Culture and the Homeric Poems 528
Marylin B. Arthur Women and the Family in Ancient Greece 532
Anne F. Rosner In the Chinaberry Tree A Story 548
Herbert Marks The Counter-intelligence of Robert Frost 554
W. S. Merwin Two Poems 579
Amy Clampitt Stacking the Straw A Poem 580
Grace Schulman City of Many Names A Poem 581
Irving Feldman The Epiphanies A Poem 582
David Bergman The Madame Considers Her Future State A Poem 583
Jerome B. Grieder The Chinese and Their Revolution 584
James Olney Anthropology, Autobiography, Gynecology 591
Richard H. Brodhead The “New” Sister Carrie 597
John F. Kasson The Past in the Present 601
Michael Seidel Studies of Joyce 604
Stephen Tapscott Proust Retrouvé 612
B. H. Haggin New Records in Review 623
Comment: Ralph Kirkpatrick Recollections of Two Composers: Hindemith and Stravinsky 627
Reader’s Guide: Adrienne Munich Robert Browning: The Poems viii